Studentsamfunnet’s General Assembly (GA)
The GA is the highest body of Studentsamfunnet, and it’s a platform for membership democracy and influencing how Studentsamfunnet will be run.
The purpose of the GA is giving all members the opportunity to contribute and have the opportunity to let their voices be heard in cases relating to Ås’ biggest gathering place for students.
NB! The meeting will be held in Norwegian, however the documents will also be found in English.
What is GA?
March 3rd: Deadline for submission of cases to the GA, to be sent to: administrasjon@samfunnetiaas.no
March 10th: Case papers are published
March 17th: Deadline for submission of candidature, to be sent to: valgnemnda@samfunnetiaas.no
March 21st: Candidature booklet is published
March 24th: General Assembly!
Candidacy for election
GA Spring:
The Board of Samfunnet:
Leader (two periods)
Head of Events (three periods)
Head of Finance (three periods)
The Business Committee:
Head of Events (two periods)
Head of Administration (two periods)
Head of Career Day (two periods)
Editor (two periods)
The Board of House and Finance:
Student Representative (two periods)
The Election Committee:
Two members (two periods)
GA Fall:
The Board of Samfunnet:
Head of Bodega (two periods)
Head of Marketing (two periods)
Head of Administration (two periods)
The Business Committee:
Leader (two periods)
Sponsorship Coordinator (two periods)
Head of Marketing (two periods)
Editor (two periods)
The Board of House and Finance:
External representative (four periods)
External representative (four periods)
The Election Committee:
Two members (two periods)
Elected in odd-numbered years at the Spring General Assembly:
Leader – UKEboss (four periods)
Head of Operations (four periods)
Head of Event (four periods)
Head of Marketing (four periods)
Head of Revue (four periods)
Head of Service (four periods)
Head of Party Management (four periods)
Head of Finance (four periods)
Case documents
GA Spring 25
Candidacy Booklet
GA Spring 25
Candidacy Descriptions
I want to run for election!
That’s great! It’s highly recommended to send in a candidate presentation in advance, in both Norwegian and English. A candidate presentation in the case files will help strengthen your candidacy. In the presentation, you’ll write a little about yourself and your qualifications, and please add a photo so people can see who you are. If you want inspiration for how it’s done, you can find previous presentations in old GA papers in the GA-archives. All candidate presentations are to be sent to valgnemnda@samfunnetiaas.no . Remember to add a photo.
From there, you’ll go on to the general assembly and speaking on stage in Aud.max. When it’s your turn to present, you’ll get up to two minutes to introduce yourself. Prepare a short appeal, only your imagination is the limit. After the presentation, we eill open for questions from the room.
Do you need some inspiration to write your candidacy and appeal? Here you can download a template:
If you or someone you know is interested in running for election during the General Meeting, you can contact the Election Committee directly at valgnemnda@samfunnetiaas.no or reach out to the contact person for the Election Committee, Viktor Talgø Syvertsen, at phone: 40762380.
I have a case I want to be brought up at the GA!
All members at Studentsamfunnet in Ås have the right to bring up cases, in accordance to the articles of association § 1.2. Cases that you want to be discussed at the GA need to be in the Samfunnet Board’s hands three weeks before the GA at the latest. Cases that you want to discuss are to be sent to administrasjon@samfunnetiaas.no.
Cases that can be discussed at GA are:
- Changes to the articles of association (see § 3.6.1)
- Resolutions (see § 3.6.2) – Are to be sent to the Samfunnet board at least 7 days before the GA
- Other documents (see § 3.6.3)
- Other cases (see § 3.2.2)
All cases that are not on the case list can be raised during GA. These cases must be given to the meeting leaders before the meeting starts. The case cannot be brought up for discussion if 1/4th of voters are against it.